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Japanese Style Acupuncture

This gentle yet extremely effective acupuncture style emphasizes palpation of the pulse, abdomen, and often meridians or specific acupuncture points as an immediate feedback system to determine the diagnosis. Treatment usually involves light, gentle stimulation with shallowly inserted or non-inserted needles.


Cupping is available. Because some patients may be sensitive to smoke in the clinic room, moxa therapy is limited.

Auricular Acupuncture

Auricular acupuncture is believed to alleviate symptoms of withdrawal; the method is used for detoxification and relapse prevention, and to reduce cravings for various drugs, nicotine, sugar, and other substances that may create an addiction response.


This treatment modality is also used for PTSD, trauma healing, and general wellbeing. Auricular beads (shown in picture) may be placed for several days to stimulate particular acupuncture points.

Learn more at: 


Subtle Energy Healing

It includes, but is not limited to, manipulation of Qi through intent at acupuncture points, along meridian pathways, chakra, and aura.

Sachiko's subtle energy healing is from Huna teachings and Clairvoyant healing by spirit guides.

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